The only really funny is when safety man tells wha we have learned today!
The only really funny is when safety man tells wha we have learned today!
Really good, i loved the 3D and the art overall.
A funny/weird part was when he loaded the pistol, smacked a guard with it, and then change clip for no reason.
Haha yes - I guess I just like animating him reloading and listening to the SFX, I didn't even notice! (This is why I should run it past a few people before posting it on NG probably..)
He's awesome, loved when the rock stopped and he took forth a gun, hilarius.
And your cartoon skills are good too.
Not wery pleasing, you should give it some more work, do a little frame by frame work to add a little more movement.
The talking from the hobo was good animated, the rest..... nah.
It works.
Well yeah.
Looks worth watching.
The beginning was not too my liking, but man, that sidewalk looked like something from a cartoon (a famous one)
Wery sad and depressive 4/5
Nice ships,
The ships were mystically better than the marines, i loved the ships.
Other then that, yes a story is needed, even if it's only, Chaos attacks and marines has to defend their planet from the chaos incursion.
I need more 40k
The 40k stuff is extremely recogniseable, though it is not pretty, you need to improve the graphics to improve the blamhungry newgrounders.
I could see that it was blood angels and night lords, barely.
Just improve, i want too see more 40k, sound was good in my oppinion.
0_0 Cooool!!!
This is awesome, a bit smoother and drop pods orThunderhawk gunships instead of boxes it would be a ten.
Awesome, give me part 2
Joined on 6/7/06